Hygiene wear is worn to prevent contamination from clothing or skin contaminating your ingredients. Ensuring you have the right balance of comfort, practicality and most importantly hygiene is vital to ensure your standards are maintained. Many food processors opt for coloured options as they remind staff which area or ingredients they can use, and helps managers monitor for this as well, as compromising on food safety isn’t an option. Find more ways you can use hygiene wear to enhance your hygiene standards by exploring our range below.

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The use of coloured PPE has increased within the industry to manage contamination and hygiene risks, with no changes to PPE quality or costs. So why not just use blue?
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What are the non-negotiable contamination risks you need to prevent? It's these areas that are ideal to begin managing using colour...

The purpose of hygiene wear and PPE are quite different to one another; hygiene wear is disposable clothing designed to keep the food free from contamination; protecting the task from the wearer whereas PPE protects the wearer from the task.

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