Posted: November 17, 2023
Cleaning is paramount to keeping your food and operations free from contamination, and the tools you use for this greatly impact how protected your food is. It is also key to securing audit compliance and meeting food safety standards.
However, If your tools are not stored and cared for correctly, they can become a contamination risk. This is where 5S Storage Solutions have been designed for the industry. Meaning Sort, Set, Shine, Standardise, and Sustain, it is a globally practiced storage system -
Posted: March 21, 2022
Necessity, as the old saying goes, is the mother of invention.
Food processors had a need, and Sanifix was created as the solution.
It is a unique system specifically designed for the food processing industry and the challenges involved in storage and dispensing.
It solves multiple auditing issues that regularly arise regarding holes in walls, and the hygiene and safety concerns this causes.
The main aim of the Sanifix system is to remove the need to penetrate into the walls of production facilities.But first, why are holes an issue?
Most food processing facilities use coolroom panel (or EPS) for walls due to its excellent insulation and ease to wash down. In a processing plant, space is valuable, and often cleaning equipment is stored on the wall out of the way. However, when attaching these to the wall, the most common method was using screws, and these caused holes in the wall. This then created further issues,
Posted: January 20, 2020
Implementing a 5S system in your food processing facility may seem like a daunting task.
While there a many factors to be considered, and decisions to be made, making a start doesn’t need to be difficult.
Below is a simple checklist you can use to begin the process of implementing a 5S storage solution for your cleaning equipment.
It will give you an idea of what stage you are at, and what decisions will need to be made before beginning implementation.
Do you currently have a colour code plan for your site (by area/allergen/process)?
Yes No Comments:Do you have a documented colour code plan that segregates different areas, products, or allergens? It is important to have this confirmed before going much further so that there aren’t changes later on to the colours you are using in each area.
Posted: January 10, 2020
Color-coding is an effective way to minimize cross-contamination or other hazards within a processing facility.
While not always a requirement, color-coding can demonstrate a company’s commitment to the quality and consistency of their products while maintaining a high level of safety for both their employees and consumers. It can be implemented to provide ‘zone control’ within a food processing or food service facility. Different colours can be assigned to each step in the process or by manufactory lines. When the colours are assigned to zones, confirming that a tool is misplaced is easy and tracing it back to its point of origination is quick.
1. Keep it simple - Limit the number of colours you use to keep it as simple as possible.
2. Pick contrasting colours - Red colour coded equipment is often associated and used with raw/uncooked meats. However, being aware of the potential problems
Posted: December 02, 2019
The Identi-Rail system is designed to make 5S implementation easy for food processors.
The modular system means:
-every station is entirely customised
-changes can be easily made to tool requirements
-a 5S system can be implemented then improved over time
Get in touch with one of the team to learn more about the range of 5S cleaning tool storage systems available.